
is magic
 is digital 

is tactile

is encounter

is nomadic
is protective

is shelter
is loner
is furtive or recurrent collective
is strategic
is doubtful
is electric power
speaks English on internet
is a nonprofit organization created by Chloé Malcotti in 2017 to help her produce and present her different individual and collective practices. 


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Hypernuit is resting for a while.

Carnets de sentiments

En cours / In progress


En cours / In progress

FR :

Les ateliers ont lieu tout les lundis de 14h00 à 16H00 à l’espace animation du Centre d'arrivée Fedasil, Le Petit Château. 


Carnets de sentiments est un projet que nous tissons (Olivier Burlet et Chloé Malcotti) en collaboration avec l’équipe du pôle Animation du Petit Château, et en particulier avec Jessy Moussa. 


Ce projet s’inscrit dans un travail de recherche en cours qui tend à interroger les différentes transformations opérées par les architectures de pouvoir belges et européennes (spatiales ou langagières) sur l’élaboration, la compréhension, et la diffusion des récits individuels des demand.eurs.euses de protection internationale. 

EN :

The workshops take place every Monday from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the entertainment area of the Arrival center Fedasil, called le Petit Château.


Feelings Notebooks is a project that we are weaving (Olivier Burlet and Chloé Malcotti) in collaboration with the Animation team of the Petit Château, and in particular with Jessy Moussa.


This project is part of an ongoing research work which tends to question the different transformations operated by the Belgian and European architectures of power (spatial or linguistic) on the elaboration, understanding, and dissemination of the individual narratives of the applicants for international protection.

With :

Zach, Mansour Khan, Anafat Zazai, Alan Salimi, Genyer Loyo, Fernando Velàsquez, Faisal, Mateen Ibrahimi, Seyar Alimie, Shoaib Khan, Ismat, Azizullah, Faisal, and others who preferred to keep their names hidden. 


This project is initiated by Olivier Burlet and Chloé Malcotti.


In collaboration with the Animation team of the Petit Chateau : Jessy Moussa, Juliette Demolder, Ayoub Lassri.


The workshops are produced by Hypernuit with the help of « Un Futur pour la Culture - Territoires de creation - 2021 » Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.